Beholder EC1 Gyro Stabilizer Is Your New Favorite Stabilizer!
Beholder EC1 camera stabilizers always fly off the shelves and theres a list of reasons why! (Luckily, we have them stocked up and ready to go!)
Beholder EC1 camera stabilizer rose to popularity because of it's extensive list of features such as Lock Mode, Pan Follow Mode, Follow Mode, Follow all Axis Mode and Home (return to starting position). The stabilizer can Point and Lock which means an operator can manually adjust the gimbal and the stabilizer will hold the position.
Innovative and technologically advanced encoders are to thank for great stability and error correction while shooting. EC1 has an incredible 20 hour run time on a single charge, weighs 2.2 pounds, and can support up to 5 pounds of camera and lens.
Get your Beholder EC1 now for $899!