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Guru 360° Gimbal Stabilizer is small in size but BIG on getting the BEST 360 footage!
Guru 360° is a camera stabilizer designed just for 360 cameras. Unlike other bulky and expensive 360 stabilizers, Guru 360° is affordable and it's small size actually ensures unobstructed view while filming. The Guru 360°'s stability makes stitching for multiple cameras cleaner and reduces artifacting in 360° video. Create a more enjoyable experience by using the Guru 360° to correct unwanted movement, rotation, roll, and horizontal drift. The Guru has three different filming modes assigned to the five way analog joystick built into the handle. These three filming modes can be used to capture any type of scene. Use the lock mode to lock...
Get inverted with Guru 360° gimbal stabilizer and a Dual Kodak Pixpro SP360 Camera setup!
The Guru 360° gimbal stabilizer and a Dual Kodak Pixpro SP360 Camera setup make filming in 360 as easy as a skip on the beach. The Guru 360°'s stability makes stitching for multiple cameras cleaner and reduces artifacting in 360° video. Create a more enjoyable experience by using the Guru 360° to correct unwanted movement, rotation, roll, and horizontal drift. The Guru has three different filming modes assigned to the five way analog joystick built into the handle. These three filming modes can be used to capture any type of scene. Use the lock mode to lock in each axis to hold the camera's lenses...
Get busy filming in 360 degrees with Guru 360° gimbal stabilizer and Samsung Gear 360 camera!
Get busy filming the world in 360 degrees with a Guru 360° gimbal stabilizer and Samsung Gear 360 camera! Guru 360° is a camera stabilizer designed just for 360 cameras. Unlike other bulky and expensive 360 stabilizers, Guru 360° is affordable and it's small size actually ensures unobstructed view while filming. The Guru 360°'s stability makes stitching for multiple cameras cleaner and reduces artifacting in 360° video. Create a more enjoyable experience by using the Guru 360° to correct unwanted movement, rotation, roll, and horizontal drift. The Guru has three different filming modes assigned to the five way analog joystick built...
Guru 360° gimbal stabilizer paired with Vuze 3D 360 camera!
Is that a tiny UFO?! 👾 No, of course not! Its a Vuze 3D 360 camera paired with the Guru 360° camera stabilizer! The Guru has 3 different filming modes assigned to the 5-way analog joystick built into the handle. These 3 filming modes include Follow, Lock, and Head Lock and can be used to capture any type of scene! Order a Guru 360 Camera Stabilizer today for $299! The current batch of stabilizers are on their way to us from their factory in China which should arrive at the end of the week. Your orders will be sent out immediately...
Guru 360° camera stabilizer and Samsung Gear 360 camera visit Seven Magic Mountains!
A stoic Guru 360° camera stabilizer capturing the surreal view at Seven Magic Mountains! The current batch of stabilizers are on their way to us from their factory in China which should arrive at the end of the week. Your orders will be sent out immediately the following week! Thank you for your patience! Watch this great setup video full of tips on getting the most out of Guru 360°! Thank you to Hugh Hou from CreatorUp! Order a Guru 360 Camera Stabilizer today for $299! -Guru