The Best Gimbal Stabilizers for Cameras Reviewed!
The camera stabilizer market has changed a lot since we started with the Beholder MS1, which only had one IMU sensor. Now IMU sensor technology is tech from the past like the Beholder DS1. Due to the hardware limitations of IMU systems, such as range of gimbal movement and reliability of the IMU calibration, we no longer recommend IMU systems. The best camera stabilizers now use encoders like the Guru 360, Beholder EC1, Moza Air, Moza Mini C, Mini G, Zhiyun Crane, and Zhiyun Crane M. A stabilizer with encoders is more reliable, stronger, and has exceptionally longer battery life.
Surprisingly many of the camera stabilizers sold like the Beholder EC1 and Came TV Single are very similar. Yes, the external design of these stabilizers is different, but the internal hardware and software used is the same system, Simple BGC. What is Simple BGC? It is the brains and nervous system and choice used by many camera stabilizer manufacturers. Simple BGC is sort like the Android OS for camera stabilizers.
Camera Stabilizers like Pilotfly H2, Came TV Single, AFI Camera Stabilizer, Nebula 4200, and Beholder MS1/DS1/EC1 all use Simple BGC. As an example, let's compare which camera stabilizer has the best stabile camera footage among the choices of Pilotfly H2, Came TV Single, and Beholder EC1. All three stabilizers use the same hardware software solution so in terms of performance results are going to be very similar. All three stabilizers use encoders and run the newest firmware version of Simple BGC on 32 bit boards. The minor differences will be found in motor build quality and PID tuning. When it comes to choosing which stabilizer is better, the question should be which stabilizer has actual support? When it comes to getting unstuck, finding the right solution matters and Gimbal Guru specializes in supporting camera stabilizers. So make the wise decision and purchase your stabilizer from Gimbal Guru!
Pictured Beholder EC1, Sony A7SII, Canon FD 24mm, with Smartphone Monitor.
Honestly, a very skilled technician could purchase a Simple BGC system and build a DIY camera stabilizer. Though we wouldn't recommend this path due to the amount of hours one would need to put into learning the hardware, overall gimbal design, PID Calibrations, and a whole lot more. So avoid the 6-12 months of development and check out one of the many stabilizers offered on our site.
Out of all the stabilizers based on Simple BGC like the Pilotfly H2, Came TV Single, AFI Camera Stabilizer, Nebula 4200, we highly recommend the Beholder EC1 Camera Stabilizer. The Beholder EC1 has proven to be a durable camera stabilizer with a large gimbal that can balance many different camera and lens combinations, matched with strong motors. Another great feature of the Beholder EC1 is the two 1/4" mounts built into the handle.
Moving forward with the stabilizer technology are manufacturers like Moza and Zhiyun. Moza and Zhiyun offer stabilizers with encoders and advanced smartphone control. The advantage to stabilizers like Moza Air, Guru 360, Mini C, and Zhiyun Crane is the dedicated staff of software engineers focused on improving the stabilizers through regular firmware updates. Also, the advantages to using a smartphone to remotely control the stabilizer, change/modify settings, update firmware, and more. Learn more by checking out the product descriptions.
If you want the best in camera stabilization, get the best in support from GimbalGuru.com!
Pictured Zhiyun Crane, Sony A7SII, Canon FD 24mm, Somita St-650 Tripod.