It's Wednesday, Beholder Remote in Stock, Rewatch a Sunset
Just in case, here is a reminder its Wednesday and the Beholder Remote is in stock. The good is Beholder DS1 should start leaving the factory in the next 48 hours, the bad is MS1 will be a bit longer, sorry.
DS1 VS DS1 who will be the next champion! Beholder DS1 Camera Stabilizer and Sony A7sII 16-35mm, 24-70mm FE.
NAB is almost here. Make sure to sign up with our guest code before it is too late. Demo the Beholder MS1 and DS1 camera stabilizer at NAB 2016. Booth number C2058DP, located in the Drone Pavilion in central hall. Use our guest code to get into NAB, LV4234.
Rewatch a favorite video of ours and relax.
Discover the best value in camera stabilization with a Beholder DS1 Camera Stabilizer for $699.95 or a Beholder MS1 Camera Stabilizer $499.95. Order now and get an extra set of batteries.
Beholder DS1 and MS1 are currently out of stock. We are currently accepting pre-orders for DS1 and MS1. More units should be leaving the factory this thursday and friday. We hope to start shipping by middle of March. Feel free to inquire about stock by emailing us at Thank you.