Stock is Getting Better, and Sea Glass Carousel NYC
Beholder DS1 Camera Stabilizer and Beholder MS1 Camera Stabilizer stock levels will meet market demand by the middle of November. Customers who are in the 4th shipment will be served by this upcoming stock boost. Customers from the 3rd shipment will have their orders shipped out by the first week of November. The reason for our low production numbers is due to the manufacturing process used. Each MS1 and DS1 is made by CNC, which produces strong high quality parts at the cost of a much slower production pace than a mold. So the factory has invested in a whole new bank of CNC mills.
Feel free to contact us about the status of your order, please include your order number to
Beholder DS1 Camera Stabilizer with BMPCC at Sea Glass Carousel, NYC. Discover the best value in camera stabilization with a Beholder DS1 Camera Stabilizer for $699.95 or a Beholder MS1 Camera Stabilizer $499.95. Order now and get an extra set of batteries and technical support based in Los Angeles.