OwlDolly Stabilizer Buy Back, Trade a DS1 and get $100 Store Credit

OwlDolly Stabilizer Buy Back, Trade a DS1 and get $100 Store Credit

OwlDolly Stabilizer Buy Back:

Have a Beholder DS1? Trade in your DS1 and get $100 store credit towards a new Beholder EC1 or Zhiyun Crane. Do not miss out on the benefits of a stabilizer with encoders and or bluetooth connectivity. Take advantage of this awesome deal to step up to the next level of stabilizers with a Zhiyun Crane or a Beholder EC1. 


  • The offer is only available to customers that purchased their Beholder DS1 from OwlDolly.
  • Stabilizer must be in working order and include the quick release plate, adapter plate, battery holder, set of batteries, usb cable, and case. If any of the above accessories are not included, please circle which accessories are absent from the included Order Information section of release. OwlDolly will notify the owner via the email address listed on release if the stabilizer is not in working order. The owner has 30 days after this notification to purchase return shipping for $24.95. An unclaimed, non functioning stabilizer will be recycled after 30 days.
  • Include a signed copy of the stabilizer release.
  • The $100 store credit can only be applied to the purchase of a new Beholder EC1 or Zhiyun Crane. No other codes or discounts can be used in combination with the $100 OwlDolly Stabilizer Buy Back Credit. Once the $100 credit is issued the customer has 30 days to use the $100 credit, after which the $100 credit will be forfeited. This $100 store credit cannot be exchanged for cash, or any other form of payment beyond the store credit.

    To request the Stabilizer Release Form for OwlDolly Stabilizer Buy Back, contact us with your order number by email at Sales@OwlDolly.com. Subject, "Stabilizer Buy Back". Thank you.


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