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The Super Mini Stabilizer with GoPro at Hollywood Studio Rentals

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John Middleton invited me out to Skinnys in NoHo to check out his rig.  John has built his whole rig around the Big Cage. He also uses an OwlDolly Israeli Arm. You can see how the Big Cage lends its self to any style of filming. Mounted to the outside of John's Big Cage is a Recorder with Mic, an LCD mounted by an OwlDolly Israeli Arm, and a LED Light.   Looking forward to the final cut John.   -Devlin

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Francisco Gonzalez is the man behind the camera and the company Soon Media Group. I would like to introduce a Vimeo link  from Soon Media Group. Just watch the video and see for yourself how Francisco used the Slider 100 in his video for PayanX.   -Devlin

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Recap from Cine Gear Expo Thank you for stopping by :) I was very pleased to share our company’s mission and products. If you didn’t get a chance to attend, watch this awesome recap video shot by The Video Mouse   If you did not get enough time with me at the show, feel free to reach out to me through email. Thank you for supporting OwlDolly, and our mission to bring affordable film equipment to the new digital filmmaker.   Devlin

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I and OwlDolly would like to say, "Thank You, Steve." Check out Steve's video about his first impressions of the Stabilizer. If you like model cars, enjoy Steve's rich photo collection. Steve is also a master model car painter. A long while ago I used to race 1/10, and 1/8th scale Nitro cars. The car bodies I painted could never be compaired to Steve's work. My paint jobs would be best describe as "A Mess." Thankfully my driving skills were pretty bad too so the car bodies ended up being held together by colorful graphic stickers. Hey, if anyone...

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